• Question: How would you decribe diseases?

    Asked by brudy2002 to Rory on 11 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Rory Miles

      Rory Miles answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      A disease to me is anything in the body that goes wrong and causes the person to have symptoms (the things that show they have a disease) as a result. My job helps to find out if people are infected with a particular bug. These bugs can cause a variety of different symptoms, colds cause sneezing, while a bug called norovirus causes you to throw up. Diseases can also be things which can’t be caught from other people. Cancer is one example. This is where cells (tiny things that make up your body) continue to grow when they should stop. So diseases are just a general term for things that go wrong with your body. Scientists like to break this down into different areas to make it easier for us to understand, it’s a very big topic!
