• Question: What would you do if you have cancer and didn't go to the hospital and you didn't die?

    Asked by noors to Joe, Juan, Kate, Rory, Rosie on 10 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Juan Carlos Lopez-Baez

      Juan Carlos Lopez-Baez answered on 10 Mar 2014:

      Hi noors

      That’s an interesting question. Unfortunately, most cancers require treatment in order to live the longest possible time. That doesn’t mean that you cannot live a long time with a cancer without treating it (especially at the early stages), but your best chance to live a long happy life is to go to a hospital, where the doctors and nurses can help you with it.

      You should know that cancers do not form overnight and they normally take many months or years to develop. Normally, the earlier you treat them, the higher your chance of surviving them, with the majority of people recovering from it with early treatment.
