• Question: When did you start science

    Asked by angerman2 to Joe, Juan, Kate, Rory, Rosie on 10 Mar 2014. This question was also asked by minecraftman123, dman221, chanelle, ross0123, .
    • Photo: Joe Sweeney

      Joe Sweeney answered on 10 Mar 2014:

      I think we all start doing science when we’re babies: have you ever seen babies using iPads? They are natural explorers and experimenters (which is why they break/spill/eat so many things) so the urge to understand, which is what drives all scientists, seems to be natural. I started my proper science training at school, probably when I was about 13. As far as I’m concerned, Im still being trained!

    • Photo: Rosie Coates

      Rosie Coates answered on 10 Mar 2014:

      I remember being interested in “science” from being about 9 or 10. I got a microscope for my birthday and I was fascinated by looking at everything from hair to insect wings (I was a bit of an unpleasant child…). I also remember doing little experiments at home like putting an egg, shell and all, in a glass of vinegar and a glass of water and watching what would happen…

    • Photo: Kate Salmon

      Kate Salmon answered on 10 Mar 2014:

      I agree with Joe- I think we start science very early in life because all children love to explore and ask questions. I don’t remember when I started science but my parents have told me that they used to take me on walks when I was a toddler and I would stop every 1 metre, point at the ground and say “what’s that?” and it would be some kind of bug. I used to pick up worms from the garden and feed the blackbirds. I also once tried to keep a caterpillar and raise it into a butterfly (but I don’t recommend this as caterpillars prefer living outside).

    • Photo: Juan Carlos Lopez-Baez

      Juan Carlos Lopez-Baez answered on 10 Mar 2014:

      I agree with Joe, from an early age we are like minute natural “scientist”, as we are captivated by our environment and are constantly exploring it. However, I first started being interested in science when I was around 5 or 6 years old and began watching documentaries with my grandmother.

      In fact, I remember to this date watching this movie when I was around 5 (not even a documentary) that made me become fascinated with killer whales (not Free Willy, one that was released long before it). That’s the reason why I grew up thinking I was going to become a marine biologist and end up owning a zoo. At some point though I got dragged into cell biology and have loved it ever since!
