• Question: When you get hurt ,why and how does it hurt?

    Asked by daisybaxter to Joe, Juan, Kate, Rory, Rosie on 19 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Juan Carlos Lopez-Baez

      Juan Carlos Lopez-Baez answered on 19 Mar 2014:

      That is to do with the pain receptors under your skin. These receptors are actually very important for our survival and if we didn’t have them, then we wouldn’t be able to tell when something is badly affecting our bodies. Unfortunately, there are some people in the world that are born with a disease that do not allow them to feel pain. Even though some people might say that is a good thing, it actually is not, as these people can self inflict a lot of damage to themselves without noticing. Not been able to feel pain does not make you invincible, it just removes the warning signals that you body has to tell you that something is wrong.
