• Question: why did they make illegal drugs

    Asked by bennyboy50 to Rosie, Rory, Kate, Juan, Joe on 11 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Rosie Coates

      Rosie Coates answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      Hi @bennyboy50,

      I think there are lots of reason’s that illegal drugs are made. I think one of the main reasons is that the bad people who make them know they can sell them and make money from them. People buy illegal drugs to change the way they feel. Some drugs make people happy, some make them feel like they have lots of energy and some make them feel relaxed.

      There are lots of problems with taking illegal drugs. The main one is that they are very dangerous. Sometimes we don’t know what the effects of taking them over a long period of time will be, sometimes we know that the effects will be very bad. Another problem is that the process of making these drugs is not controlled so you might not be taking what you think you are or the drug might be much stronger than you are expecting. All of these things often lead to people becoming ill as a result of taking drugs or even dying. This is one of the reasons that illegal drugs are illegal; to protect us from what might happen if we take them.
