• Question: Why do people get poorly and how can people prevent it from happening to them?

    Asked by gallopinghorse123 to Joe, Juan, Kate, Rory, Rosie on 11 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Rory Miles

      Rory Miles answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      People become Ill for many different reasons. Cancer is caused by the cells (things that make up your body) growing uncontrollably. Bacteria and viruses can cause things such as flu , vomiting and diarrhoea and they can also cause cancer. Some diseases, such as asthma, are caused by your bodies own protective response against bugs ,reacting against your own cells (called your immune system). There are many other reasons I haven’t described that could cause disease. It is a very big topic. It is impossible to completely prevent all diseases as your genetics (the biological data you get given from your parents) and the environment you live in can both decide if you may get a particular disease. Some things (called carcinogens) can increase your risk of cancer, so it is possible to avoid these to reduce your risk. This is why smoking is very bad for peoples health, it dramatically increases your risk of many cancers (not just in your lungs). The risk of getting a cold can be reduced by washing your hands regularly or using hand sanitizer. But I wouldn’t worry too much about not getting a disease, doctors are there to help diagnose and treat it, using methods and medicines made by scientists.
