• Question: would you recomend becoming a scientist????

    Asked by lionking9 to Rosie, Rory, Kate, Juan, Joe on 7 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Joe Sweeney

      Joe Sweeney answered on 7 Mar 2014:

      Oh yeah! Being a scientist is really enjoyable: you get to spending most of your time thinking, which is unlike many other jobs. You also learn new things everyday, and you get to work with loads of really bright, enthusiastic people. The things scientists do help people in so many ways: medicines, iPhones, clothes, cars, TVs, Xboxes, computers, all of these things wouldn’t exist without science. Except for what Steven Gerrard does, I can’t think of a better job.

    • Photo: Kate Salmon

      Kate Salmon answered on 9 Mar 2014:

      I would recommend becoming a scientist if:

      1. you have lots of questions about the world.
      2. you like solving problems
      3. you are excited about exploring new things

      I think most people would enjoy being a scientist because you get to research something that you are very personally interested in.
